
Monkey Business

If you don't know I live in a very large house with a laptop typing my posts for your laughter everyday, keep not knowing because I live in an apartment with a monkey named Jorge. Unfortunately, Jorge is a very sad monkey. He is always crying and crying and crying, so one day I bought a girl monkey for him to feel better and for him to have a better life. So as soon I showed him his girlfriend he wrote-because he can't talk-that he was sadder than before because he said that now more people we're going to die earlier then he was, so I called a pet therapist to get my monkey to feel happy and therapy did not work so I had to do saddest thing that came to mind; a monkey sale. I ended up selling Jorge to a very sad man. These to sad people ended up smiling at each other. As soon as Jorge left, I cried. I sold the second monkey the day later and bought a new one that was very happy, but that monkey died the next day. To this day I don't own any monkeys.

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